31 Mar 2011

Doodle Page

A lot of the time, I'm not sure what to draw.  Some doodles.

And a cat.

Hello World!

Greetings internet.

A friend of mine proposed I create this blog as a way of keeping up my drawing habits/skills.
We'll see how this goes, I hope I can stick with it.  I'll try to put up most of what I do, it won't always be pretty.
The idea is to do/post at least one drawing a day.

I somewhat foolishly draw from imagination the majority of the time, at some point I'd love to take a life drawing course, or some art classes.

I'm mainly self-taught, but lately (ie. for around a year now, maybe a touch less) I've been getting into watching tutorials by two fellows, Feng Zhu and Glen Vilppu, these two have helped me a lot.

Anyways, this isn't supposed to be a type-y blog, but a draw-y blog!  Here's some previous work of mine.

Some things are better than others.  These are all from this year.  I'll occasionally post older pieces along with new stuff.

That's all for now, just wanted to get a first post put up.
