28 May 2011


Read an interview with an artist named Elsa Chang (found here: http://elsa-chang-interview.blogspot.com/)
And here's her blog: http://elsasketch.blogspot.com/ I like the shapes she uses, especially in her animal drawings, very eye pleasing.

22 May 2011

Watching a talk by Leonard Susskind, thought his head had an interesting shape (check out those ears!).
Maybe that's a weird thing to say...
Fiddling around with a textured brush, I like how it feels.

Second time I doodled this, PS crashed on me the first time before I'd saved, so I re-did it.

15 May 2011

Was doodling an idea I had after watching a short video on pollination http://www.ted.com/talks/louie_schwartzberg_the_hidden_beauty_of_pollination.html (some really neat footage here!)

I'm not a big dragon guy, but the idea was that of dragon's as pollinators of a specific flower.  A co-evolution situation where the flower is a very hardy and dangerous plant, but the scales on the beast allow it to safely move about it.
Hurray for more necks! (Something's off about the left eye area..)
Rediscovered Rick Berry today. http://www.rickberrystudio.com/galleries/gallery_update_1.html
I remember seeing his stuff before, but stumbled across him again today.  I love his style a lot!


Watched a video on the neck, these doodles aren't that great.  It was nice and handy to learn about various parts of the neck and how they fit together.  Mainly cylindrical-based shapes.  I didn't know the hyoid bone existed until today!

I didn't bother to post this one earlier, I didn't take this any further.  I kind of like the thumbnail view of it, but not the enlarged version.

5 May 2011

Perhaps more later.  Just getting a first attempt at this idea down, a flower where the stamen is like a light bulb filament; a bio-luminescent flower for an imaginary environment without much light.
Some doodling before bed.

4 May 2011

Some gestures.  That is all.
Some aimless doodling.  I don't know what it is right now, but I've been feeling rather drawing impotent lately.  When I try to get started things don't feel right...

1 May 2011

Some Silhouettes

Robot-y silhouettes.  Just finished Portal 2 today.
Often enough, when I start drawing I feel like I need re-learn how to draw, I don't know if that's just part of warming up or not.

Still need to pick something to do the multiple angle drawings of.