27 Nov 2012

Doodle Dump

I haven't been drawing much this year at all, I wonder if it's possible to regress and get worse...

14 Feb 2012

Some doodles and things that I've done in the past month or so.  Did a little search for industrial design tutorials and found this site: http://www.idsketching.com/ and watched this video: http://www.idsketching.com/video/video-tutorial-how-to-sketch-with-contour-lines/ which I found helpful.  I don't know how people draw smooth lines with slow movements, mine always get shaky, somewhat frustrating!

(I don't actually think hippo's are evil..)

8 Jan 2012

I haven't been doing much in the way of drawing lately, just been happily living!  Here are a couple of doodles and things from the past couple months from the little bit that I have done.

We have some random shapes and an obligatory skeleton.

A mess of gray scale values.

Some cartoony doodles.

A somewhat sinister robot with ropy protrusions and spiky bits.

A little bit of learning about how legs go together.