4 Apr 2011

Desert Environment

Must have worked on this for a couple hours straight.  Perhaps a rocky, desert type land.  It's quite rough and loose, but most of my stuff is at the moment.

It's somewhat Feng Zhu inspired, if I watch any tutorials these days it's one of his, but I haven't been doing much tutorial watching at all lately.

Here's a link to a demo reel of his, uploaded in 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt3YZ0qST9I&feature=channel_video_title
Has some boppin' music to go along with it!

And here's a link to the first episode of his tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/user/FZDSCHOOL#p/u/115/1McYZX6KScg
Each tutorial is around 30 minutes long, and they focus on a variety of topics: design, painting, hardware, technique, software...  lots of good information.  Right now there are 39 tutorials.


I was checking out Craig Mullin's website, pretty cool stuff. http://www.goodbrush.com/
I love looking at concept art, such as his, where the individual strokes look so loose and quick, but the overall image conveys so much information.

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